Ruspert Coating Comparison Chart

Ruspert Coating Comparison Chart

Ruspert Coating Comparison Chart

Test Items RUSPERT Zinc electroplating (Coloured Chromate) Hot Dip Galvanizing
Before Tests Ruspert before tests Zinc Electroplating before Tests Hot Dip Galvanized before tests
Salt spray tests after 1,000 hours

Test method: 5% concentrated salt mist continuously sprayed in accordance with JIS Z 2371 standard.

Ruspert after 1000 Hours of Salt Spray Testing Zinc Electroplating after 1000 Hours of Salt Spray Testing Hot Dip Galvanized after 1000 Hours of Salt Spray Testing
Combined corrosion test after 200 cycles

Test method: repeat a series of cycles, each cycle consists of 2 hours of salt spraying, 4 hours of drying at 60ºC (140ºF) and 2 hours of exposure to humidity of 95% R.H. at 50ºC (122ºF) in accordance with JASO M609-9 1 standard.

Ruspert after 200 Cycles of Combined Testing Zinc after 200 Cycles of Combined Testing Hot Dip Galv after 200 Cycles of Combined Testing
Cass test after 10 cycles

Test method: repeat series of cycles, each cycle consists of 16 hours of exposure and 6 hours of non-exposure to an acetic acid solution of 5% concentration with it pH adjusted between 3.0 and 3.1.

Ruspert after 10 Cycles of Cass Test Zinc Electroplated after 10 Cycles of Cass Test Hot Dip Galvanized after 10 Cycles of Cass Test
Sulfur dioxide gas corrosion test after 15 cycles

Test method: repeat a series of cycles, each cycle consists of 8 hours of exposure to a condensation of gas under 9.8R.H. at 40ºC (104ºF) after supplying sulfur dioxide gas (SO2) of 2.0 ltr to a tightly sealed chamber of 300 ltr & 16 hours of drying at 75% R.H.

Ruspert after 15 cycles of Sulfur Dioxide Gas Electroplated Zinc after 15 cycles of Sulfur Dioxide Gas Hot Dip Galvanised after 15 cycles of Sulfur Dioxide Gas

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