Auckland - Albany

Auckland - Albany

Auckland - Albany


93 Apollo Drive

Postal Address

PO Box 300468

Opening Hours

Weekly Hours
7:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday Hours
7:00am - 12:00pm
Sunday Hours

Contact Details

09 476 0001

All Anzor branches are closed on anniversary days, public holidays and any observed public holidays (where applicable). Anzor Albany is also closed on the Saturday of a long weekend.

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Anzor Catalogues

Standard Catalogues

Click here to download a PDF of our Engineering Catalogue. This catalogue includes stainless fasteners and fittings, marine hardware and construction brackets.

Anzor Catalogues

Construction Catalogues

Click here dot download a PDF of our Construction Catalogue. This catalogue includes stainless/galvanized fasteners and fittings, and construction brackets.

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